The BOOST CHECK only works for Gen 5+ can exits. If Gen 4 & 5 get PCV valve assembly.
These are the fittings which mount directly to the Gen 4/5/5+ can wall which is threaded 7/8-14 SAE O-ring otherwise known as -10AN Port
-the boost check option only works with GEN5 + 'super center's-for crankcase ventilation HP ratings are: 3/8" barb or -6AN=600HP capacity, 1/2" barb or -8AN=800, -10AN=1000, and 12AN=1200HP maximum.
Made in the USA!
Gen 4-6 Can Individual Port Fittings
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Missing/Damaged Item:
Allowed within 30 days. Inspect the package contents for any missing/damaged items immediately.
Not Legal for purchase or use on pollution-controlled vehicles.
It is against the law to install this part on an emissions controlled vehicle.
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